News & Media

Pitching at the Merck Innovation Challenge

Lara Zibners MD MMEd MBA
Co-Founder & Chairman

Many of you know my drive to co-found Calla Lily Clinical Care was driven by my personal journey as a infertility survivor.

The memory that remains particularly vivid is the distress caused by the inadequate methods of administering progesterone— whether through injections, pessaries, tablets, or suppositories. Each option (including now rings) has its pros and cons, but none truly offers the ideal combination of convenience and confidence like our Callavid device. I promise you, if I’d had this device, my experience would have been very different.

My experience as a doctor, an educator, my time at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, the lessons learned about startup karma, they are all coalescing into a purpose-filled mission.

Thang Vo-Ta and I, and our entire dedicated team are all laser-focused on advancing the development, quality, regulatory and CMC work needed to bring this game-changing solution to life!

Last week was an especially rewarding day on my entrepreneurial journey as we had the privilege of engaging with senior Merck Healthcare leaders to share our vision for our Callavid device. Even better, we received strong validation for our path forward. Thank you to Merck and SIS: Women’s Health for the unique opportunity!

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